‘You couldn’t make it up!’ someone once said to me, ‘You should write a book!’ As I don’t want to give up my waking hours actually writing a book for the free kindle books list, I decided to write a blog instead.

So here are the true tales of my life in Greece. My family, my animals, my running. I might throw in the odd photo too because I do live in a beautiful place and it would be a shame not to share it.

So this is our big fat greek life and we are the people and animals living it:

My husband.  Greek by birth and upbringing.  A carpenter by trade and a hotelier every summer.

My girls.  Greece born and bred with a tinge of UK influence.  Teenagers and don’t I know it.  Good girls though, love them dearly.

My animals.  Eros the horse,  Morti, Louli and Puk the dogs and umpteen cats that are squatting on our land.

And me.  40 something, British born and bred and now with a questionable nationality having lived in Greece for more than half my life.  I’m an animal lover, a runner, business woman, wife and mum.

This blog is about our big fat Greek life.  I hope you enjoy it.